Monday, 22 October 2012

Snail mail week!!

Hi my friends! I have some very exciting things coming up for this week. It's is all dedicated to the wonderful thing that is snail mail!


I will have posts about snail mail all week, including pretty letters and pretty postage stamps. A post on how to prettyfie your enveloppe and ofcourse I end this week with my snail mail exchange! The previous snail mail exchange was a great succes, so I cannot wait to see how this one goes. But that is for later this week! First many beautiful posts to hopefully inspire you to write a letter to a friend!


  1. Hey :) I LOVE YOUR BLOG, it's so good, would you like to follow eachother??

  2. Aww thank you so much!!
    I love your blog too, great outfits :)
    Am following you through GFC.

    x Susie

  3. There really is nothing quite as special as receiving something in the mail <3
