Monday, 1 October 2012

To capture the days #5

Hi my friends. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Here is my view of the week in seven pictures!

On sunday I got back home from my holiday to Switzerland. So monday was unpacking day for me!
My petbird Joshua is back from my sisters home. He stayed there while I was away. Happy to have him back! Missed him alot.
Finally I had some time for crafting again. I love the colours of fall, and the small leafs I bought on holiday!
My gardens have been neglected and in dire need of some love. So frontgarden is first!
Clothes, clothes everywhere. Clothes are all around me. Cleaning my closet! And this is just a tiny portion of what was coming. I am still not ready! Hahaha.
Glamour shopping day! Waiting in a dressingroom for a friend who is trying on an outfit.
 Doing some baking research for my work at the icecream shop! Can't wait to start my baking!!


  1. Wat een super schattige kussentjes liggen daar op je bed!

  2. Ahh I love these posts so much! Oh gosh... all your crafting supplies look so pretty. And your baking research looks like FUN!

  3. Looks like a good week! I am so jealous of you being able to do the baking in a store! Good luck :D

